Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Dead Ringers

This movie is a psychological thriller starring Jeremy Irons as twin gynecologists.


As Jeremy Irons is never one to do things half-assed, and there's DOUBLE the Jeremy Irons in this movie, it's full-assed crazy times two.

My main problem with this movie is that I could not tell the two apart, pretty much from the start, so they might as well have been the same character.

It was nuts.  I had asked my stepmother to watch with me, and the two of us were kind of appalled at a lot of it.  Other parts were okay, but the whole thing was kind of ridiculous.

If you like the Jeremy Irons brand of crazy, you might like this?  I don't know.  It's nowhere near as good as, say, Lolita, or the one where he puts his wife into a coma and is acquitted.

Watch...if you want to.

Availability: DVD
Released: 1988
Added to my queue: 2/12/2008
Reason added to queue: who knows

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