This is a Korean crime thriller about a business man who finds himself imprisoned (and drugged, and sometimes tortured) for 15 years, and he doesn't know why. So once he gets out, he spends the rest of the movie trying to figure out why he was imprisoned / get revenge on his captors. He befriends a waitress, and the two work to face his vengeance together. But it gets complicated.
My thoughts about this movie: it definitely doesn't turn out the way you think it's going to, so that is captivating.
That said, they DUBBED it instead of using subtitles - and the douchebags they use as the characters' voices, my God. Just use subtitles. I spent many scenes - more than several - thinking to myself, "Is this even the right translation? Is this just a Mystery Science Theater 3000 version, where some jackass watched it on 'mute' and guessed at what the characters might be saying?"
But, I mean. It was decent. It held my attention. If you like Korean movies, crime thrillers, or torture porn, this might be for you.
Availability: DVD and Streaming.
Released: 2003
Added to list: 2/11/2008
Reason added to list: unknown
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