Friday, March 1, 2013

Gilmore Girls, Season 3

In which:

  • The relationship between Rory and Lorelai continues to be sweet and funny and adorable, even though
  • Lorelai continues to remind me, at times, of the Progressive Insurance woman
  • Rory and Dean are broken up and she dates Jess, who is sullen and surly and sporadically absent, and, once, almost rape-y
  • Lorelai dates a guy named Alex who stops actually being in episodes after a few
  • Richard gives Lorelai a check for $75K he claims he owes her from a real estate investment he made for her when she was born
  • The Independence Inn catches fire and ultimately closes
  • Rory gets in to Harvard, Yale, and Princeton and decides to go to Yale
  • Paris gets a boyfriend (Brandon Barash - General Hospital's Johnny Zacchara), has sex, and doesn't get into Harvard
  • Rory is student government vice president (to Paris's president) and gets bullied by the senior class president
  • Dean gets engaged to his new girlfriend, Lindsay
  • Lane spends the entire season pretending to date a Korean boy but ultimately convinces her mother to let her date Dave (Adam Brody from the O.C.)
  • Lorelai uses most of the money her father gave her to pay off her parents for Rory's Chilton tuition, which pisses them off because she refuses to continue the Friday night dinners
  • Rory asks her grandparents to put her through Yale, saying she will pay them back starting 5 years after graduation and will reinstitute Friday night dinners (for herself but not her mother)
  • Luke gets a girlfriend and dreams Lorelai asks him not to get engaged
  • Jess moves to California, to live with his father (Rob Estes) and his father's girlfriend (Sherilynn Fenn, with horrible bleached hair).  These two attempt the standard GG dialogue pace and just seem forced.  But at this point I'll put up with anything if it means that horrible Jess is out of all of our lives.
  • Sookie (Melissa McCarthy) is pregnant
  • Rory and Sookie buy the Dragonfly Inn (because its owner dies)
Availability: DVD only
Released: 2002
Reason I added it to my queue: I'd seen seasons 1 and 2

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