Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Jeff Who Lives at Home

I really thought this movie would either be extremely dull, or some kind of silly comedy about a family trying to get their grown son to move out of the house (who would really believe an adult moving back in with his parents??  Haw haw haw).  

However, they actually throw in some interesting turns, and by the end, I was really glad I watched it.  And you might be, too.  So you should maybe see it if you have extra time.  Jeff is played by Jason Segel, who seems roughly normal-sized on How I Met Your Mother, but kind of hulking here.  His mother is played by Susan Sarandon, who is kind of wasting her talent here if you ask me.  And his brother is played by The Office's Ed Helms, who plays kind of "against type" for you pretentious people who use phrases like that.

Availability: DVD and Streaming 
Released: 2011
Reason I watched it: Netflix said so

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