Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Employee of the Month

I thought this movie was going to be idiotic, but it was actually really cute.  It's a romantic comedy pitting Dane Cook against Dax Shepard (yes, they are two different people) for the title of Employee of the Month of a Costco-esque bulk shopping store.  Whoever wins will allegedly win the affection of Jessica Simpson's character, who is believed to be an EotM groupie.

Dane Cook is endearing as a slacker trying to get it together, while Dax Shepard is the guy who has been EotM for 17 months and acts like it.

If you're looking for a feel-good rom-com, which I never am but actually tend to enjoy, check out this one.

Also, they barely let Jessica Simpson speak.

Availability: DVD only (booooooooo!)
Released: 2006
Added to my queue: 6/2/2007 (Happy 6th anniversary of being in my queue!)
Reason added to my queue: I do not know.

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