This documentary is really, really interesting.
It was filmed during the Iraq war, and basically asks why we engage in war at all. As you might expect, the allegation that Iraq had WMD, the belief that the Iraq war in some way was related to 9/11, and the admission by George W. Bush that it was, in fact, unrelated to 9/11 are all encountered and addressed. The war machine of the Bush era is also juxtaposed with historical views at prior presidents - most intriguingly, Dwight D. Eisenhower, who had some prescient advice for the country upon his exit from the presidency...advice that we simply haven't taken.
Our history with Saddam Hussein is also detailed, which I didn't know before this documentary (like that he started out as our friend, etc.). So there's that.
I am not the most political person in the world, and I am not about to get involved with the politics of war. But we've been in the Middle East since I was old enough to pay attention, and I understand that our defense budget is greater than any budget here on our own soil. So yes, I have wondered why we fight. Unfortunately, this movie doesn't spark optimism in me.
Check it out.
Availability: DVD only
Released: 2005
Added to my queue: 10/26/2009
Reason added to my queue: Netflix recommended because I liked Super Size Me, Fahrenheit 9/11, and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Okay...
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