This is a sweet drama about Dusty Wyatt (George Strait), a wildly popular country musician on tour with a huge spectacular stage show. Early in the movie, he becomes disenchanted with being the "dancing chicken" and takes off on his own, leaving his manager and former love Lula (Lesley Ann Warren) to deal with the fallout. He finally lands at a farm somewheres out west, and lives a nice simple life with a simple family, falling for the lady of the house (Isabel Glasser) before, as expected, everything catches up with him.
The good: it's sweet, fun, and Kyle Chandler (Coach Taylor from Friday Night Lights) costars as a greedy young upstart. Also there's a lot of twangy George Strait music, which is good old country fun.
The bad: while she does a great job, Lesley Ann Warren is forever stuck in my head as Janie's mother in the "Janie's Got a Gun" video, which makes me kind of hate her in everything she does. How she didn't know about Janie's abuse is beyond me.
Availability: DVD only. I got it as a double feature with Honeysuckle Rose, which I will watch next.
Released: 1992
Added to my queue: 2/16/2010
Reason added to my queue: We used to listen to the soundtrack in college all the time. I probably added the movie out of curiosity.
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