Wednesday, May 8, 2013


This movie is essentially a shot-for-shot remake of the movie Dirty Dancing.  In Hindi.  With Indian music.

Stop and think.  Even if you are the biggest fan in the world of Dirty Dancing, or of Bollywood, would you want to see an Indian remake?  Having done so, I will venture to say "No."  Sadly, the best character in Dirty Dancing is the music.  I can't speak for Indian people - maybe they used the perfect music and I just miss the American songs - but the storyline and characters, while compelling, just can't carry the movie, in my opinion.

I love me some Bollywood though, and am looking forward to Crimes, which should be coming to me soon and starring the same leading man, Dino Morea.  Quite the dancer, that one.

Availability: DVD only
Released: 2006
Added to my queue: 9/5/2007
Reason added to my queue: unknown

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