Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Three...Extremes II

I really liked the first one, so I figured the second would be good.  And it was decent.

It's three vignettes, each directed by a different Asian director:

  • In "Memories", a woman keeps trying to get home.  Based on experience with other movies, you will ultimately begin to wonder whether she's actually alive or a ghost.
  • In "The Wheel", a Thai village is haunted by creepy ceremonial puppets.
  • In "Going Home", which I found to be the most interesting and worth watching, a man is held captive while his neighbor prepares for the resurrection of his dead wife.
 Far and away the most disturbing of the vignettes is in Part I, though.  The first one on the the first disc is seriously disturbing.

Watch it, don't watch it.

Availability: DVD only
Released: 2002
Added to my queue: 2/11/2008
Reason: This is when I added all the Asian horror movies to my queue, so I assume I was on some kind of tear.

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