Friday, April 12, 2013

A History of Violence

When this movie came to theaters, I remember thinking it was going to be, literally, a history of violence.  Like a documentary.  And even after I realized that wasn't the case, I didn't want to see it.

It's pretty good, though.  Viggo Mortenson and Maria Bello play a married couple in a small Indiana town.  He owns a little diner, which gets held up by criminals, and his quick reactions save the day...and unleash a host of other problems when Ed Harris comes to town claiming Mortenson is actually a thug from a Philly crime family.

I mean, if nothing else is on, this isn't bad.  It wouldn't be my go-to, though.

Availability: DVD only
Released: 2005
Added to my queue: 2/12/2008
Reason added to my queue: unknown

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