Wednesday, March 27, 2013


You know, before last week, I had never heard of this Hitchcock classic...except for the fact that it was headed my way from Netflix.  Then, I told my father I had a Hitchcock movie coming and maybe we could all watch it, and he said "Which one, Rope?" and then tonight I was watching an old Mad Men episode, and they referred to it as well.

What is this movie!?

Well, the premise is that two friends, played by Farley Granger and John Dall, are super-psyched about having murdered their friend and locked him in a chest, thinking they're going to get away with it.  Their former professor, James Stewart, is on to their act, though.

It's good, the color is good given that it's from 1948 (which makes it seem newer) and the cinematography is cool - if you aren't paying close attention, it seems like it's all done in one long shot.

I like Hitchcock a LOT, and this one is good.

Availability: DVD
Released: 1948
Added to my queue: 11/6/2010
Reason added to my queue: Netflix recommended it to me, based on my enjoyment of (get this) Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Arrested Development, The Office (UK), and Memento.  Um, okay.

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