Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Killing, Seasons 1 and 2

I actually watched the first few episodes of The Killing when they first aired, and didn't continue with the series because felt like a Twin Peaks knockoff.  Then, I remember when the first season wrapped up and the titular "killing" had not been solved, which had fans up in arms.  However, it was solved at the end of the second season, and people who like this show REALLY LIKE THIS SHOW.

Also, Netflix kept it in my Top 10 recommendations for a long time, and we all know how well Netflix knows me.

So, I watched it.  And, as usual, Netflix nailed it.

The premise: the blue-collar Larsen family returns from a camping trip to discover their daughter, 17-year-old Rosie, who they left behind to spend the weekend with a friend, *surprise* lied about where she'd be staying, and is now missing.  Before the episode ends, Rosie turns up dead.  I won't spoil any more details, except to say that while this show is a very very slow burn, it is entirely worth sticking with it.  The characters (which develop just as slowly) are excellent - Mireille Enos (Detective Sarah Linden) is a stone-faced bride-to-be single mother, and Joel Kinnaman (Detective Stephen Holder) plays her skinny, white, Snoop Dogg-sounding partner.  Billy Campbell, who I loved on Once and Again, is humbly quiet as a local mayoral candidate, but the real star of the show, in my opinion, is the city of Seattle.  It's hella rainy there, y'all.  And NOBODY USES AN UMBRELLA!

I will say that I'm glad I waited to watch it until I knew the case took two seasons to resolve.  Each episode is one day, and each season is 13 episodes, so the murder takes less than a month to solve - which in the scheme of things isn't ridiculous.

I highly recommend this series if you like mysteries and/or thrillers.  And crime dramas.  And Seattle.

Also, Season 3 starts in June, so there's plenty of time to get caught up!  DO IT.

Availability: DVD and Streaming
Released: 2011
Reason I watched it: Netflix told me so

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