Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Killing, Seasons 1 and 2

I actually watched the first few episodes of The Killing when they first aired, and didn't continue with the series because felt like a Twin Peaks knockoff.  Then, I remember when the first season wrapped up and the titular "killing" had not been solved, which had fans up in arms.  However, it was solved at the end of the second season, and people who like this show REALLY LIKE THIS SHOW.

Also, Netflix kept it in my Top 10 recommendations for a long time, and we all know how well Netflix knows me.

So, I watched it.  And, as usual, Netflix nailed it.

The premise: the blue-collar Larsen family returns from a camping trip to discover their daughter, 17-year-old Rosie, who they left behind to spend the weekend with a friend, *surprise* lied about where she'd be staying, and is now missing.  Before the episode ends, Rosie turns up dead.  I won't spoil any more details, except to say that while this show is a very very slow burn, it is entirely worth sticking with it.  The characters (which develop just as slowly) are excellent - Mireille Enos (Detective Sarah Linden) is a stone-faced bride-to-be single mother, and Joel Kinnaman (Detective Stephen Holder) plays her skinny, white, Snoop Dogg-sounding partner.  Billy Campbell, who I loved on Once and Again, is humbly quiet as a local mayoral candidate, but the real star of the show, in my opinion, is the city of Seattle.  It's hella rainy there, y'all.  And NOBODY USES AN UMBRELLA!

I will say that I'm glad I waited to watch it until I knew the case took two seasons to resolve.  Each episode is one day, and each season is 13 episodes, so the murder takes less than a month to solve - which in the scheme of things isn't ridiculous.

I highly recommend this series if you like mysteries and/or thrillers.  And crime dramas.  And Seattle.

Also, Season 3 starts in June, so there's plenty of time to get caught up!  DO IT.

Availability: DVD and Streaming
Released: 2011
Reason I watched it: Netflix told me so

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


You know, before last week, I had never heard of this Hitchcock classic...except for the fact that it was headed my way from Netflix.  Then, I told my father I had a Hitchcock movie coming and maybe we could all watch it, and he said "Which one, Rope?" and then tonight I was watching an old Mad Men episode, and they referred to it as well.

What is this movie!?

Well, the premise is that two friends, played by Farley Granger and John Dall, are super-psyched about having murdered their friend and locked him in a chest, thinking they're going to get away with it.  Their former professor, James Stewart, is on to their act, though.

It's good, the color is good given that it's from 1948 (which makes it seem newer) and the cinematography is cool - if you aren't paying close attention, it seems like it's all done in one long shot.

I like Hitchcock a LOT, and this one is good.

Availability: DVD
Released: 1948
Added to my queue: 11/6/2010
Reason added to my queue: Netflix recommended it to me, based on my enjoyment of (get this) Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Arrested Development, The Office (UK), and Memento.  Um, okay.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance

This movie is SO intriguing and SO brutal and SO bloody and SO horrible and SO good if these are things you like.

My explanation has tons of spoilers, so don't read it if you want to see this movie.

The premise is that a deaf and dumb Korean factory worker takes care of his sister, who needs a kidney transplant.  He does everything he can to ensure that she will get one, but none of it is enough.  On top of that, he gets laid off.  So he and his girlfriend kidnap his boss's young daughter, believing that the boss will simply pay the ransom, which is exactly enough for the sister's operation.  Unfortunately, the sister figures out what is going on, and kills herself.  Ryu, the brother, drives the sister's corpse and the little girl out to a lake-type place to bury the sister under some river stones.  Unfortunately, the little girl wakes up alone in the parked car and goes looking for Ryu.  She yells to get Ryu's attention, but he's deaf, so she swims out to meet him.  She has never had swimming lessons, and drowns.  So now a kidnapping that has become pointless results in the death of the child.  So, the father finds out about the death of his daughter, and makes it his life's purpose to find those responsible.  Also, Ryu goes to kill some people who could have helped his sister and didn't.  So now they're dead.  The father learns who did the kidnapping, and tortures Ryu's girlfriend to death, despite her declarations that she is a member of a terrorist organization that will kill him.  Ryu and the father somehow meet, and the father kills Ryu.  And then a bunch of guys follow him out to a deserted area and kill him.  Turns out she was right about the terrorist organization.  

The end.

If you like Korean psychological thrillers that are brutal and bloody, this is totally the movie for you.

Availability: DVD and Streaming
Released: 2002
Added to my Netflix queue: 2/11/2008
Reason added to my queue: unknown

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Scrubs, Season 2

I was in the middle of watching this season of Scrubs when I learned I was accepted to nursing school.  Something tells me I'll be relying on Scrubs a lot in my life for some much-needed levity about the medical profession, as well as for a comedic take on hospital hierarchy :-/

Anyway, for those of you who haven't watched Scrubs, it's such a good show.  But I'm sure you know other people that have told you that and if you seriously haven't seen it in all the years since it came out, I mean, I'm not wasting my time telling you about it.  I'd rather waste my time packing in all the Netflix I possibly can before I put my nose to the nursing grindstone come fall.

Spoiler Alert - the following is to remind us what happened in Season 2 for when I get Season 3 five years from now:

  • My favorite episode of this season is the first one, My Overkill, which has Colin Hay singing "Overkill" - a lovely song that is now one of my go-to tunes.
  • JD: Now a medical resident, but still pretty far down on the food chain and basically Dr. Cox's whipping boy.  Falls for Elliot again when she is crashing at his place, but she doesn't want to commit (and doesn't know he does want to) and so they are just friends.  Hooks up with the very hot gift shop girl but that doesn't work out because he likes Elliot.  Then hooks up with Tasty Coma Wife Amy Smart, whose comatose husband dies.  So they start dating but she needs drama to fuel romance, so that ends.  His brother Dan (Tom Cavanagh) visits and hits on Elliot and shenanigans ensue.
  • Elliot: has the JD drama, plus starts dating nurse Flowers (Rick Schroeder) but he's controlling and they split after her "I love U2" comment is misconstrued and the relationship goes to the next level on accident.  Gets disowned by her father for not wanting to go into OB/Gyn, so is forced to live in a moving fan for awhile until it gets stolen.  
  • Turk: now a surgical resident, which is better than a medical resident, respect-wise.  But he's still on the bottom of the surgical food chain.  Proposes to Carla, who takes forever to give him an answer; his brother visits and announces he is getting divorced; moonlights at a walk-in clinic to make extra cash. 
  • Carla: gets mad when Turk suggests she become a nurse-practitioner instead of "just" a nurse.  Accepts Turk's proposal.  When her mother dies, she wants to get married right away, but he sweetly shows her she doesn't really want that.
  • Cox: starts sleeping with pregnant ex-wife Jordan, then falls back in love with her.  At the end of the season, JD reveals that Cox is actually the father of Jordan's infant son, which makes Cox end things with her.  She refuses to accept the breakup so they get back together for realsies.
Good stuff.  Ready for Season 3!

Availability: DVD and Streaming
Released: 2002
Reason added to my queue: unknown

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Freaks and Geeks

This show has been on my radar for awhile now.  In fact, I own it on DVD - and it even survived my apartment burning down.  Somehow I never watched it until last week, however.  ???

It's awesome.  

The show is set in the 1980-1981 school year at McKinley High School in a suburb of Detroit.  It focuses on two groups of students: the "Freaks" which is what they call the pot-smoking burnout types, and the "Geeks" or nerds.  Specifically within these groups, the protagonists are Lindsay and Sam Weir.  Lindsay, the older sister, used to be a "Mathlete" but has decided to explore new avenues, resulting in her hanging out with the Freaks for the year.  Sam, a freshman, is so little and cute that you feel sorry for him while also knowing that he's going to hit puberty momentarily and be completely fine.  The storylines are standard high school fare such as unrequited crushes, bullying, overbearing parents, unfaithful parents, parents dating teachers, wrecking parents' cars, extracurricular rock bands, drug experimentation, a hippie guidance counselor, the list goes on.  There are only 18 episodes - the show lasted just 1 season - but here are the reasons you should watch it.
  • Judd Apatow executive produces.  If you like his kind of funny (Knocked Up, 40 Year Old Virgin, Pineapple Express, etc.), you'll like this show. 
  • Linda Cardellini plays Lindsay Weir.  If you like her cute snarky smirkiness (ER), you'll like her in this.
  • John Francis Daley plays Sam Weir.  He is SO CUTE I just want to put him in my backpack and walk around with him all day.  He's the perfect freshman, so cute and young and you just know everything is about to totally change for him.  Which is true.  He grew to 6' and has a regular gig on Bones now.
  • James Franco plays Daniel Desario, the requisite heartbreaker pothead.  Messy hair and Cheshire grin, check. 
  • Samm Levine plays Neil Schweiber, Sam's best friend, who is also tiny but was like 16 when this filmed and thus didn't get much bigger (5'4").  Neil is a confident, Jewish, ventriloquist of a guy. 
  • Seth Rogen plays Ken Miller, with his standard smartass with a hidden heart of gold charm.  He falls for a tuba player in the school band, which is funny and sweet and weird.
  • Jason Segel plays Nick Andopolis, a drum-playing dreamer with an Army man for a dad.  He's sweet and likable, in a different way from his How I Met Your Mother character, Marshall.
  • Martin Starr plays Bill Haverchuck, a cringe-inducingly heartbreakingly sweet and gentle nerd, complete with goofy glasses and goofy teeth and a hot single mom who starts dating the gym teacher.
  • Busy Phillips plays Kim Kelly, Daniel Desario's sometime girlfriend, a sort of complex tough girl.  This is the only thing I've ever seen her in, where I actually liked her.  So I mean that's an endorsement right there.
Why did I just list the cast and an executive producer above?  Because many of these people could carry their own show, but to see them in an ensemble like this at the beginning of most of their careers is a rare treat.  It's a really good show.  Highly recommend.

Availability: DVD and Streaming
Released: 1999
Reason added to my Netflix queue: unknown

Monday, March 18, 2013

One Missed Call (Japanese)

In the winter of 2008, I went to Northampton, MA to visit a guy that I was very interested in.  We will call him Kennedy, because he looked like one, although that is not why I liked him.

Five years earlier, I had been set up with him - we met at a wedding, at which I paired off with someone else, later realizing that Kennedy and I were much better suited.  However, by the time I was set up with him in 2003, I was sort of interested in another guy we'll call JC, who lived in NYC and was in my group of friends.  I'd had a crush on JC for months, and he was beginning to like me back.  I know it's sounding like I had boys on board and boys on deck, but this was 10 years ago and I am awesome.  But anyway, the 2003 setup with Kennedy was really just bad timing.  We stayed at our mutual friends' house, who I will call Rob and Damia.  Rob and Damia are like the funnest, most amazing people in the entire world.  All three of Rob, Damia, and Kennedy have history in a capella groups, which means they can sing anything, any time, all of a sudden, and it sounds amazing.  A living soundtrack.  The best part of that particular weekend was hearing them sing "Our Lips Are Sealed" which I remember even now, 9.5 years later.

So, the first night, I slept on the same air mattress as Kennedy, and realized the whole thing was a mistake for two major reasons, the second of which was that I really wanted to see where things went with JC.  I just hadn't really thought of that beforehand.  I won't get into the first reason.

The next morning, I admitted to Damia and our friend Kelly, who I just realized was also there, that I really couldn't move forward with Kennedy, and that I was going to head back to NYC.   Kelly (who lived in Boston) and Damia were like, "No no stay!  We will figure something out tonight."  Although maybe I'm remembering it wrong because Kelly went back to Boston that day.  I was also moving in a week or two and was worried about packing.  I do remember that Rob and Damia decided that if I stayed that night, they would come to NYC the following weekend and help me pack.  Which they totally did and that was awesome.

So anyway, I stayed for the rest of the weekend.  Saturday night we went out for dinner and had a great time.  Damia and I fell asleep on a mattress in the living room, and I woke up in the middle of the night feeling like I needed to pee.  But then after I peed I still felt like I had to pee, so that was disturbing.  Damia woke up and I told her what was going on, and then my back started to hurt and I was like "My back is starting to hurt" and then it REALLY started to hurt and I figured it had to be my kidney, because it was only on one side and hurt very close to the surface, as in it hurt to the touch.  This all happened within a few minutes.  Damia asked if I wanted some Advil.  Trying to stay calm, I told her it hurt too much for Advil.  She asked if I needed to go to the emergency room.  I said that I might.  Trying to suss out whether I was a dope fiend, she asked if I went to the ER regularly.  Recalling a recentish visit for cramps (I actually did used to go kind of regularly for cramps that were so bad I was throwing up, until I realized, voila, heating pad works fine), I hedged..."I mean, not regularly..."  Damia admitted she wasn't entirely sure how to get to the hospital, as they had moved to that house fairly recently.  I said I definitely needed to go to the ER.  We got up, and I found my shoes and coat.  As I bent over to put on my boots, a wave of nausea hit, and I went into the bathroom and threw up.  Then I felt really weak and sort of decided to rest on the bathroom floor.  I couldn't really yell out to Damia, because I felt pretty sure I was dying, and all my strength was going toward lying there on the bathroom floor.  I guess Damia woke up Rob and Kennedy and told them we had to go to the ER.  I assume all three of them were like, "WTF, we met this girl at a wedding and suddenly she needs to go to the ER, she has to be either a hypochondriac or dope fiend."  I would prefer not to get into the details of whether or not I'm a hypochondriac, but this situation felt serious enough that I would admit to people I just met and completely adored that I needed medical attention (as opposed to a situation where I felt I needed regular attention and therefore complained so people would feel sorry for me - which I may or may not have done before in my life).

Anyway, after they discussed their concerns, Damia came to the bathroom door and said they were ready to go.  As I lay dying, I realized that I definitely did not have enough life left in me to get in the car with them and drive all over Hampshire County (the Other Side of Massachusetts) to find the hospital of which they may or may not know the location.  Plus, if I came to the ER in a car, I would probably have to sit in the waiting room and fill out forms, which was complete bullshit because I was definitely about to die.  So I told Damia I needed an ambulance.  This was met with the requisite pause and "...Are you serious?" but by now I was not even sure I would ever leave that bathroom floor, so an ambulance was called.  They couldn't get a stretcher into the house though so I had to walk to the ambulance and that was kind of bullshit because I was in really horrible pain.  Damia got in the front of the ambulance, and off we went.  The entire time, I thought about her rendition of "Our Lips Are Sealed" and felt that hearing that song was the only possible thing that could prevent my imminent death.  Once we reached the hospital, they wheeled my gurney past Damia, and I asked if she would sing it to me.  She said no.  I've never fully forgiven her for that.

Once I got into a room, a man walked in and asked me to rate my pain on a smiley face chart.  I told him it was worse than the worst frown possible.  I asked him if I was dying.  He said definitely not.  I asked what was wrong with me.  He said no idea.  I asked if he was the doctor.  He laughed and said no.  I told him to leave.

A nurse came in.  An older lady.  Her task was to insert an IV.  She could not find a vein.  Kudos to her for giving me a new blazing pain to distract me from my old aching pain.  I asked her to leave.

Another nurse came in.  A younger lady named Casey.  She told me they needed a urine sample.  I told her I'd give her a urine sample if she would insert an IV without blowing out the remainder of my veins.  She said no problem, inserted an IV, I did my part, and finally I lay back and started receiving some relief.  Damia sat down and we chatted.  She went out to the waiting room to let Rob and Kennedy know what was going on, as they had followed us in the car.  After awhile, the physician came in and introduced himself as Dr. Krogius.  He was tall and young but not too young - a trustworthy age.  He told me I would be fine, that kidney stones in women usually hurt on the way from the kidney to the bladder but would probably be crushed on the journey and I'd pass it in a day or so.  I asked, "so wait, do I definitely have a kidney stone?" and he said that generally when there was blood in the urine, that meant a kidney stone and without doing imaging, they assumed that was the cause.  "So wait, did I have blood in my urine?"  "Oh, yeah, you had a ton of blood in your urine."

HUGE SIGH OF RELIEF from both Damia and me, because now everyone knew for sure I had a valid medical condition, and could take me seriously and stop thinking I was a dope fiend.  Also, Casey came back in and asked if all was well, and endorsed Dr. Krogius as being awesome.  But she called him by his first name, Tor.  "Tore?" I asked her, making tearing motions.  No, Tor, she said, with her fist in the air like the Black Panthers.  I assume that was intended to like show his Viking strength or something.  This made Damia and me laugh and laugh, and we made fun of everyone and everything and had an excellent time.  Highly recommend Cooley Dickinson ER if you have the chance to try it out.  And superlatively recommend Damia as an ER pal.

I started feeling better, but then started feeling like the pain was coming back.  It probably wasn't, but you never know.  So I told Tor, and he said he could get me something stronger.  He asked how I did with narcotics.  "Like cocaine???" Damia blurted.  I glared at her, not wanting her to ruin my chances of getting something good.  It was fine though, and Tor said he'd get me some morphine.  That seemed extreme.  But while I'm not a dope fiend, I'm also not one to turn down morphine for a condition that hours earlier had me dying on the bathroom floor.  He or somebody else came in with a paramedic or EMT guy who was going to school to become something more important, and told me they were going to let that guy administer the morphine into my IV line.  He wasn't exactly "cleared" to do things like that but they'd supervise him.  I didn't want to be an asshole so I was like, fine.  He sat down and plunged a hypodermic needle into the port on my IV line.  Then they left.

Damia immediately dashed over to me.  "What does it feel like?"
Me: "Nothing."
Damia: "You mean you feel like nothing?"
Me: "I mean I don't feel any differently."
Tor walked in: "How do you feel?"
Me: "I don't feel any different."
Tor: "Are you feeling pain?"
Me: "I don't feel like I'm in pain, but I don't feel like I'm on morphine, like when people on TV are on morphine."
Tor: "If you aren't in pain, then it's working."  Walked out of the room.
Me: "I'm thinking this was a placebo."
Damia: You know, there is a kink in your IV line.  Why don't I-"
Me: "DON'T TOUCH IT.  We'll ask Casey."
Damia: "No really, maybe if I just-"
Damia: "There, how's that?  Better?"
Me: "Mor.....phine...."

Then they told me I could leave.  Which was awkward, since the morphine had just hit.

Then Rob and Damia took me to Bruegger's Bagels.  That was awesome.  I think I stayed an extra day at their house and then went home.  I have no idea when or how Kennedy left that day.  We talked a few more times but then I really started dating JC, which lasted 6 weeks until he dumped me for a girl he had seen over Thanksgiving with whom he had gone to high school.

Fast forward to 4 years later.  I went to visit Rob and Damia, and at this point Kennedy was living in a neighboring town, so he came over and hung out as well.  After this visit, each of us told Rob and Damia that we could see ourselves hanging out with each other again.  He came to NYC and took me out for dinner, and I had a great time and asked him to come to (OMG I just realized this) JC's house for a New Year's Eve party.  By this time JC was dating my cousin because he's slutty that way.  So Kennedy and I went to the party and had a great time.  After that, we planned a weekend where I would go to Easthampton to visit him.

So I took the train to Hartford and he picked me up and we hung out all weekend and I had an amazing time and totally wanted to start dating him, full stop.  VERY VERY VERY interested in him.  Saturday afternoon, he took me to a movie and let me choose the movie.

I chose One Missed Call.

This was the American version, which was in theaters, starring Shannyn Sossamon.  I had never seen the Japanese version on which this was based.  But the American version was easily the worst thing either of us had seen.  Terrible movie.  Almost every scene was stupid.  I remember there was an abandoned hospital.  And I remember it was terrible.

We left the theater, and I totally took full blame for making him see that horrible crappy movie, and the whole way to Rob and Damia's, where we were going for dinner, I laughed at all the stupid things that had happened, and tried to make light of having made him take me to the worst movie in the history of ever.  Kennedy dropped me off at Rob and Dame's- he worked at a boarding school and had to attend a certain number of basketball games each season, and this was a night he had to go to a game, so he went while I hung out with Damia and Caitlin, who was dating another friend of ours.

While he was gone, I seem to have acted out the entire movie for Caitlin and Damia, including commentary on what was exceedingly stupid and why.  And we all drank wine and laughed and laughed.  Funnily enough, that is one of my favorite memories of those girls.  Right up there with the kidney stone experience as one of the most hilarious times ever.  My favorite idea was to secretly download the One Missed Call ringtone (all of the bad calls happened with the same ringtone that none of the victims actually had on their phones) to Kennedy's phone so that when his phone rang we would both stare at it like "holy shit how did that happen!!?" but I was never alone with his phone, which was the first generation iPhone, and which totally would have been capable of downloading that ringtone.  So that awesome idea never came to fruition.

Kennedy returned, much more sober than I was, and having had the past few hours to reflect on the fact that I would make him take me to such a piece of shit movie.  He had not gotten to see me act it out, and was not that psyched about any of it.

The next day, Kennedy took me to the train station and basically never spoke to me again.  I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure he even had Damia tell me he didn't want to see me anymore.  So that sucked.

Anyway, on Friday I watched the Japanese version of One Missed Call, I assume because I added it to my queue immediately after that weekend.  It was dubbed, which annoys me.  I think it was almost exactly like the American version, but the fact that it was foreign gained it one more star.  So a total of two stars, or "Didn't Like It."  HOWEVER, I did download the ringtone from the American version and now have it on my own phone, which makes me surprisingly happy.

For more on Hampshire County, MA, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS WEBSITE

For proof that Rob and Damia are good singers, THIS IS THE SITE FOR YOU

You'll probably want to skip the movie though.  Not good.

Availability: DVD only
Released: 2004
Added to my queue: 2/11/2008
Reason added to my queue: to see if the Japanese version was as bad as the American version.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

High Tension

In this French psychological thriller/horror movie, Marie (Cecile de France) goes to school friend Alex's (Maïwenn Le Besco) parents' house to study for their exams.  Except as soon as they get there, a dude in a jumpsuit starts killing everyone.

And then it has a surprise ending that made NO SENSE AT ALL to me.  

Oh, AND it's dubbed.

Skip it.

Availability: DVD only

Released: 2003
Added to my queue: 4/16/2008
Reason added to my queue: Who the hell knows

Friday, March 15, 2013

Safety Not Guaranteed

I had not heard of this movie before watching it, and was so pleasantly surprised!  It was so good!

The premise is that a writer for a Seattle magazine (Jake Johnson) finds a personal ad looking for someone to go back in time with the person posting the ad.  The ad says this person must supply his/her own weapons, and safety is not guaranteed, because the poster has only done this once before.  The magazine guy grabs two interns (Aubrey Plaza and an Karan Soni) and drives out to the town where the ad's P.O. box is located.  They find the guy who posted it (Mark Duplass) working at a Wal-Mart, and the movie progresses from there.

Side story: the writer really only wanted to take the assignment so he could spend some time wooing a girl from his boyhood summers in the same town as the P.O. box, so he is kind of distracted from the story.  Because of this (and because his first attempt to communicate with Duplass's character was a stunning flop) he lets Plaza's character do most of the work, with intriguing results.

Highly recommend this one.

Availability: DVD and Streaming
Released: 2012
Reason I watched it: Netflix recommended it

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The High and the Mighty

This movie is billed as "the granddaddy of airplane catastrophe movies" and I think moniker totally fits.  John Wayne stars as a co-pilot on a commercial jet flight from Honolulu to San Francisco (which apparently took 12+ hours in 1954).  Catastrophe ensues, and the bulk of the movie is watching how the flight personnel and passengers handle the stress of knowing they may or may not make it.

Sound familiar?  It did to me, too.  It's like an un-comic version of Airplane!.

  • Why is John Wayne only the co-pilot?  Because, in the war, he had a crash landing and keeps having flashbacks about it.  Over Macho Grande?  I don't think he'll ever get over Macho Grande.
  • When the actual pilot has a momentary freak-out about their chances for a safe landing, watch for the double face-slap so popular in Airplane!.
  • One character comes on the plane with a gun, reminiscent of Sonny Bono's bomb briefcase in Airplane 2.
  • One Marilyn Monroe-esque woman reveals that she is headed to SF to meet the boyfriend she met in a personal ad; she sent him pictures of herself that were 8 years younger than her current self, so she is all freaked out that he'll think she's old...and in her freaking out she cold-creams off her makeup (and most of her drawn-on eyebrows, which was, for me, the scariest part of the movie).
  • One couple scrimped and saved for their trip to Hawaii, during which every possible thing went wrong, and now they're on their way back, facing certain death.

I watched this movie with my friend, Nicole, who dozed through it off and on.  I think we both ended up enjoying it and are glad we saw it.  It won an Oscar for its score!  Which is a bit dramatic, but nice nonetheless.

Availability: DVD
Released: 1954
Added to my queue: 6/8/2007
Reason added to my queue: No idea

Thursday, March 7, 2013

It's All Gone Pete Tong

This movie is SO GOOD, I really recommend it.

Paul Kaye plays a British club DJ (based on a true story?) who is at the peak of a ridiculous career when he goes deaf fairly suddenly.  I cannot explain how good it is without ruining it for you, but please believe me, it's REALLY GOOD.

*Spoiler Alert past this point*
Frankie Wilde is a crazy, drug-fueled, wildly popular DJ who is sickeningly successful and coke-nosed.  His  wife (Kate Magowan) is beautiful but whorish.  His agent? manager? guy (Mike Wilmot) is loud, "American"-accented (I can't see this guy being a real American though) (I just Googled him, and Wikipedia has him Canadian), and has a bluetooth stuck to his ear, so there's that.  The movie largely takes place in Ibiza, Spain, at Wilde's villa.  He DJs at clubs, produces albums, and is all-around dependent on music, until he starts rapidly going deaf.  He completely loses hearing in the right ear, with 20% hearing in his left ear.  That is, until an accident in the studio renders him totally deaf.  His whorish wife leaves him, and he holes up at the villa, hiding from the world.  Ultimately, he decides to pull it together, kicks the coke, and finds a lip-reading teacher (Beatriz Batarda) who shows him a whole new perspective on life...and then he figures out how to appreciate music as a deaf person, makes a kind of shocking comeback, realizes his life was all bullshit when he was famous, and then disappears to start a new family with Penelope.

I really REALLY liked this movie.

Availbility: DVD only
Released: 2004
Added to my Netflix queue: 12/6/2007
Reason added to my queue: unknown

Knowing Me, Knowing You: Complete Series

This is a parody of British "chat" shows, starring Steve Coogan as Alan Partridge.  Its theme is the Abba song of the same name, and Partridge's catchphrase is, "Knowing me, Alan Partridge, knowing you, ______, Aha!" which kind of grows on you.

You will like this if you like cringe-induced laughs, British things, Minnie Driver (who guests on one of the episodes).

I liked it fairly well; there are only 6 episodes, each around 30 minutes long.  

Not sure why the sleeve said 4 hours, but it wasn't that long.

Availability: DVD only
Released: 1994?
Reason I added it to my queue: No idea

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Tales from the Crypt, Season 1

HBO's classic creepfest series got off to kind of a cheesy start, in Season 1's 6 episodes.

  • The Man Who Was Death: Bill Sadler (over)plays Niles Talbot, a former electrician who now throws the switch for all the executions in the state.  But when the state abolishes the death penalty, he loses his job.  And then starts killing people who have been acquitted but are still guilty.  Guess what happens when he gets caught?  Skip this one.  It's stupid.
  • And All through the House: Mary Ellen Trainor (over)plays a wife who kills her husband with a fireplace poker on Christmas Eve.  A madman who has stolen a Santa suit and killed 3 women arrives at her house, and she realizes she can blame her husband's death on him, so she kills Santa as well.  Or does she?  It's less stupid than the first one.  But the Cryptkeeper is not very creepy.
  • Dig that Cat...He's Real Gone: Joe Pantoliano (Joey Pants!!!) (over)plays a man who has been given the 9 lives of a cat.  He spends his life dying in carnival acts so he can get rich.  But he isn't very good at counting.  Of the first three, I think I like the 2nd one best, then this one, and then the first one.
  • Only Sin Deep: Lea Thompson (over)plays a lovely 21-year-old prostitute who pawns her beauty and has 4 months to come back and get it out of hock.  Guess what happens.
  • Lover Come Hack to Me: Amanda Plummer (over)plays a young woman on her wedding night to a man who married her for her money.  Insight into her family history is gained.
  • Collection Completed: M. Emmet Walsh (over)plays a man beginning retirement, who has to get used to his wife's collection of pets he never noticed before, while also trying to find a new hobby to pass the time.
I mean I'm glad I watched it, but if you haven't seen it, start with at least Season 2.

Availability: DVD
Released: 1989
Reason I added it to my queue: I like this kind of thing

Friday, March 1, 2013

Gilmore Girls, Season 3

In which:

  • The relationship between Rory and Lorelai continues to be sweet and funny and adorable, even though
  • Lorelai continues to remind me, at times, of the Progressive Insurance woman
  • Rory and Dean are broken up and she dates Jess, who is sullen and surly and sporadically absent, and, once, almost rape-y
  • Lorelai dates a guy named Alex who stops actually being in episodes after a few
  • Richard gives Lorelai a check for $75K he claims he owes her from a real estate investment he made for her when she was born
  • The Independence Inn catches fire and ultimately closes
  • Rory gets in to Harvard, Yale, and Princeton and decides to go to Yale
  • Paris gets a boyfriend (Brandon Barash - General Hospital's Johnny Zacchara), has sex, and doesn't get into Harvard
  • Rory is student government vice president (to Paris's president) and gets bullied by the senior class president
  • Dean gets engaged to his new girlfriend, Lindsay
  • Lane spends the entire season pretending to date a Korean boy but ultimately convinces her mother to let her date Dave (Adam Brody from the O.C.)
  • Lorelai uses most of the money her father gave her to pay off her parents for Rory's Chilton tuition, which pisses them off because she refuses to continue the Friday night dinners
  • Rory asks her grandparents to put her through Yale, saying she will pay them back starting 5 years after graduation and will reinstitute Friday night dinners (for herself but not her mother)
  • Luke gets a girlfriend and dreams Lorelai asks him not to get engaged
  • Jess moves to California, to live with his father (Rob Estes) and his father's girlfriend (Sherilynn Fenn, with horrible bleached hair).  These two attempt the standard GG dialogue pace and just seem forced.  But at this point I'll put up with anything if it means that horrible Jess is out of all of our lives.
  • Sookie (Melissa McCarthy) is pregnant
  • Rory and Sookie buy the Dragonfly Inn (because its owner dies)
Availability: DVD only
Released: 2002
Reason I added it to my queue: I'd seen seasons 1 and 2